Product Description
Every human being has an energy domain or aura around himself. Good aura will spread good energy and vice versa. This is proved by, for example when meeting with someone even someone you’ve never met, you can feel that you like or dislike the person. This shows that there is an aura or energy interaction among people. No wonder we can find someone who is physically not handsome/pretty, but liked by many people. This is because the aura of the person has been opened so it spreads good energy.
Ajian Ijunajati learns the nature of human encounters from the earth. Earth and natural elements that influence the stability of the earth itself in fact very much related to the stability of a human body.
Ajian Ijunajati reviews that each human cell has a nucleus and electron that goes around the nucleus continously. The electron moves anti clockwise, moving magnetically and produce building power. When the electron moves clockwise, the energy will kill infectious cells.
A human body consists of a combination of billions of cells. It means we are a quite big magnet. As a magnet, we also have a magnet domain called “aura”. This is like the earth whose magnet domain is called the “ozon”. This aura or ozon functions as a protection shield. Like a magnet, our body pulls or push certain elements depending on the characteristics of our magnet run by those billions of cells according to each of their functions.
This is what is emphasized by the Ajian Ijunajati that utilizes the magnetic power to repolarize the magnetic power of a human body, as the earth is covered by ice in the south and north poles to maintain its stability. Ozon/aura that is becoming thin will heat the pole and disturb its stability because it looses it magenetic power. This is what happens to the earth and human body. Human beings often feel overheated, fever, stressful, etc. Food with high acid will weaken the body magnetic power and this is why Ajian Ijunajati appears to return the body’s stability.
The energy from Ajian Ijunajati will open the seal from its container of Ijunajati, located in the eteric body and create its own path to the pineal in the eteric body, then create a bone like those on the leaves in the physical body. This source of the body magnetic energy that will come up, flow and rotate in the eteric body, affecting the physical magnetic body. The energy of Ajian Ijunajati is produced to maintain the body magnetic power. Not only will it take care of the skin and face, it will also repair the magnetic polarization in the body (energy flow). This energy will function as “medicine” and also to stimulate the rotation of the body magnetic power from the center of Ajian Ijunajati
The Use of Ajian Ijunajati :
- To utilize the magnetic power to polarize the body magnetic power
- To maintain masculine vitality
- To increase sexual stamina
- To prevent and neutralize any disease relating to masculinity
- To maintain and keep healthy and strong
- To maintain masculine muscles, balance the sperms and normalize ejaculation
- To soften the skin, and make your face fresh and look young
- To brighten the face, fresh, soft
- Body will be bright, ideal, strong
- To have strong bone, muscles, not bent
- To tighten the breasts, waist, hip; to strengthen the back, shoulders, etc.
- To strengthen immunity
- To balance blood circulation
- To increase oxygen in blood
- To assist the assimilation of the enzyme to digest food
- To reduce acid in blood
- To balance emotional condition
- To normalize brain cells for better memory
- To balance the right and left brains
- To energize and maintain good blood circulation, to prevent paralysis
- To strengthen heart muscles
- To balance skin harmony
- To radiate special charisma and brighten the aura
- To have better status
- To have good inner power and get admiration because of his authority
- To be liked by many people
- To smoothen business, career and any other matters
- To ease a man to get a wife
- To prevent stress
- To always come up with innovative ideas
- To have luck, security, balance and every will be easy
- To prevent any bad things from happening
- To form a supernatural protection
- To prevent from any bad intention
- To neutralize supernatural poison in foods and drinks
- To get rid of any difficulties in life
- To prevent any physical and metaphysical attacks
- To cure physical and metaphysical diseases by direct transfer of energy or through the media of water
- Cannot be transferred to other people but will automatically be descended to sons, if this ijunajati activated before marriage
- And many other advantages that you will feel later
- Will automatically fix, strengthen, balance and protect your ‘private’ part and your body and make this energy your secret power.
- In the olden days, this ilmu (including the mantra) is a secret of men, authority, masculinity (certain people like sundanese princes or kings in the olden times)
- Don’t be surprised if you find something strange happening to you; it is the positive effect of the mantra. Who doesn’t want to look more handsome, strong, powerful, brighter, and more perfect.
- Don’t be arrogant. Be aware that this is just a small tool to help us be conscious of God’s greatness. The more our faith is to God, the stronger the energy will be.
- There is no black magic involved. This is purely formed from your attempt, intention and prayer to God and His permission. Please practice meditation and thank God.
- Ajian Ijunajati and Inti Serat Kanda Kanoman will protect, maintain and beautify you. This will be seen from your bright face. Always thank God for it.
- Cannot be inherited. But it will descend to your son automatically
Prerequiste: ONLY FOR MEN
Length Of Program: 1 time inisiation and 7 days empowerments.
Manual and Certificate send by email
Level: Practicer
System : Distant Methode