Product Description
Seal Archangel Gabriel Empowerment
Seal Archangel Gabriel Empowerment, Archangel Gabriel’s name means ‘God is my strength’. One of the two archangels specifically named in the Bible in both the Old and New Testament, she is often portrayed holding a trumpet and as the only female archangel. As the patron of communications, Archangel Gabriel is the messenger angel, acting as a messenger of God. She helps writers, teachers, journalists and artists to convey their message, to find motivation and confidence, and to market their skills. She also assists in overcoming issues of fear and procrastination in communication as well as in all areas related to children, helping during conception, pregnancy, childbirth and child rearing.
What seal or Sigil?
Seals are a number of symbols, which represent certain entities that are characteristic or key to connect with the entity. Installed in the body of energy in the form of symbols that will actively channelling the energy it represents.
The uses of the Seal are:
- As a marker or tag between who uses the seal and the energy source of the seal,
- Connecting more harmonious and intense energy relations because the seal owner is a person who is legally connected,
- Building energy stability from channeled energy sources,
- Increase the strength of the energy connected through the seal and its use,
- Providing energy supply that works simultaneously and continuously,
- and others
*** Seals will be given to those who follow this and will be installed in the body of energy ***
What is Empowerment?
Empowerment is the strengthening of the system, the energy to strengthen the system, so it is not a science but like fire it needs to be given material to be even bigger, it is empowerment. The more often you receive empowerment, it will encourage faster progress from a science.
The reason for the importance of participating in empowerment:
If we want the energy or knowledge within us to quickly develop and progress, please ask those who participated, surely the sensitivity of energy increases as well as sensitivity, Making the energy system in the body work faster and circulate when we need it, Make the chakras in the body more active, Fill in the emptiness of our laziness in feeling and meditation, Empowerment is a small part of diksha in ancient yoga systems in India, As a gift from the teacher to help students develop faster, Accelerate the smooth energy of harmonizing in our body when we learn something scientific, Adding more and more energy to being channeled into our energy body will increase the power of our energy body, and others.
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