gTumo means “sacred fire (Tejas) consists of isoteric, exoteric and mystic originated from Llamas in Tibet. Ever since and up to the late twentieth century, gTumo is highly classified lesson and strictly kept from beyond circumference of Llamas in Tibet.
gTumo come from Tibetan meaning Miraculous Energi Fire. Before come to Tibet, this knowledge is recognized in India by the name of Candali. Candali brought to Tibet by Great Yogi Marpa, student of Naropa who is representing of Great Yogi Tilopa. According to one of my gtumo teacher of Exoteric, this technique is come from Great Teacher Atisha. Atisha alone sit under Great Teacher Dharmakirti Svarnadvipi, representing of great teacher in Sriwijaya Empire, a regional ancient empire cover almost all Indonesia. Some teacher of gTumo say that this technique represent adoption of fire blow technique, the powerful self-defence science. In the hand of all teacher later, the technique turn into more useful gTumo.
gTumo goes along with Kundalini in regards to Heat Energy of which Nath tradition called Rajas or Surya while in Buddhism known as Red Bodhicitta or Candali in India. Sanskrit Tibetan called as gTumo which means “woman with explosive anger and barely controllable.”
gTumo and Kundalini is separated energy even though they remain in regarding manner. In digest manner, gTumo shall be incorporated with Kundalini in practice and involves incorporation method as in Kundalini and gTumo Stir.
The Practitioners dividing GTumo in 3 different manners as follow:
- gTumo Exoteric
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Is a healing technique by touching both palm at part of certain body, our own body goodness or others body. Besides touch directly, Tibetan gTumo also can be practiced long distancely is infinite of time and distance.
Besides things related to healing and health physically and bounce, Tibetan gTumo also can assist to move forward the quality of spiritual. Basically gTumo is a technique of spiritual created to assist all practitioner of meditate to be incircuit with Divine Energi, so that they earn easier reach certain deeply meditate. As for differ effect of gTumo that is making body all practitioner to become hale and hearty in face of nature condition which sometimes out of all patience.
At Tibetan gTumo, source of energi come from: Universe, passing throught Crown Chakra; Kundalini energi, passing Base Chakra and Energy of Vayu, Ojas and also Tejas.
- gTumo Isoteric
Isoteric gTumo represent a technique which in the form domination exhalation and activation of Tantien Chakra. This Technique almost similar to Divine Poewr type, this technique most expanding in Indonesia. Although just similar remain to be unegual, because at Isoteris gTumo unknown to detention of long time breath. This technique function is protection to low temperature or cold, so that can make someone live on in a condition very extreme weather. Train this technique can cause healthy body ever hale and, so that this technique often related to inner beauty.
With isoteric gtumo of course someone will be able to stay in low temperature or very cold temperature without even clothes even like which happened in Lachi Kang (near by top of Everest) Himalaya.
- gTumo Mystic
Mystique gTumo represent a Meditation technique of gTumo. This meditating is known as Spell Meditation Technique. Spell the mantra come to Mantra Caetanya (understanding of the mantra meaning) so that become to Mantra Gatha (Power of the mantra).
Mystic gTumo in practice use special spell or mantra able to be used any target. But the important meaning is wake up spirituality of practicer. By exercising its practitioner Mystic gTumo will get bliss of remarkable mind.
Generally, gTumo consists of 4 grades or levels, as in:
- First Level (Known as RESPA GTUMO or SAKAKALIRAN in Candali Bible)
- Second Level (Known as HIGH RESPA GTUMO or SADHANA/SADHAKA in Candali Bible)
- Third Level (Known as MASTER GTUMO or UCCHATTAN/VASHEEKARAN in Candali Bible)
- Fourth Level (Known as VAJRA MASTER GTUMO/VMG or RISHI in Candali Bible)
In gTumo tradition, VMG usually bestowed with spiritual name in Sanskrit and gTumo Vajra Master distinction lies upon delivering the energy for those in need even in distance by uttering his or her spiritual name and/or visualizing his or her face.
Interest with Gtumo system, please search in our website, we have many tradition of gtumo, click this link https://www.spiritofchi.com/product-category/metaphysics/gtumo-metaphysics/