Gayatri Mantra
The ancient Vedas worship the Sun (Surya) as the source of light for the entire world. But for the Vedic people, light is not a material force but a “power of life, love, and intelligence.” They regard the Sun (Surya) as the principle of light and consciousness on a universal level (Savita), of which the Sun is our local representative.
Humanity must remember the “Divine Self” in the Sun, the prana that is universal energy, and our role is the cosmos to bring the “Divine Light of Knowledge” into the darkness of the physical matter.
The Gayatri Mantra is a gift to the world from the great rishi Vishvamitra, the seer of the third book of the Rig Veda. (He also features prominently in the great epic Ramayana.) The Vedas are the manifestation of solar intelligence, the light of consciousness on Earth. The Vedic mantras carry light and power both for the body and the mind.
In contemporary times, Yug-rishi, Vedmurti, Taponishtha Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya, has unfolded the power of the Gayatri to humanity by his unparalleled “Gayatri Sadhana”—the greatest gift to mankind since the Vedic age. He has poured his insight and experiences of Gayatri Mantra in his book, titled “Gayatri Maha-Vigyan”(The Great Science of the Gayatri).
In his words: “The Gayatri Mantra does not belong to any particular sect of worship, or it is not restricted to any certain community. It is universal, for the whole world. It contains in it the culture not of any particular society, but of the culture of humanity. The Gayatri Mantra is a treasure and heritage that belongs to the whole of humanity without exclusion.”
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The Gayatri is a mantra (actually, a Vedic hymn) that inspires righteous wisdom. Its is a prayer that Almighty God might illuminate our intellect, which might lead us to the path of righteousness. This is the most important teaching in the world. All of a person’s problems are solved if he is endowed with the gift of righteous wisdom. Having been endowed with far- sighted wisdom, a man neither becomes entangled in calamity nor tread the wrong path. Righteous wisdom stars emerging as soon as a methodical recitation of this mantra is performed.
The Gayatri Mantra is the form of eternal truth. It is the heart of all beings and the eternal Vedic Mantra. Gayatri destroys the sins of the world. All four of the Vedas originated from this mantra. It consists of the prefix om bhur bhuvah svah, a formula taken from the Yajur Veda, and the verse 3.62.10 of the Rig Veda (which is an example of the Gayatri mantra).
The Vedic form of the famous Gayatri mantra: Om bhur-bhuvah-swah, tat savitur varenyambhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat. Summary of the Mantra: O God, Thou art the Giver of Life, the Remover of pains and sorrows,The Bestower of happiness, O Creator of the Universe,May we receive Thy Supreme Sin-destroying light,May Thou guidest our intellect in the right direction. The Gayatri is the mother of the Vedas. The sadhana of the Gayatri mantra is the essence of all the Vedas. Even a God like Brahma mediates on and performs japa (repetition) of the Gayatri at the three time of change: dawn (when night becomes day), noon (when morning becomes afternoon), and sunset (when day becomes night). Gayatri repetition performed daily for three years leads one to God-realization, and, like air, acquires the power of going where the person wants to go. Merely by offering water to the Sun and performing repetition of three thousand Gayatri mantras at the times of change, a person becomes adorable by God. Through the Gayatri Sadhana, a person may get salvation, wealth, victory in battle, and freedom from disease. A man may know all four of the Vedas very well, but all his knowledge goes waste if he does not know the Gayatri mantra. A person who worships any mantra other than the Gayatri cannot get success even if he takes millions of births. Rishis (saints) say that there is no other mantra like the Gayatri mantra in all the Vedas. Ved, yagya, dan (donation, charity), and tapa are not equivalent even to a small fraction of the Gayatri mantra. Whether a man is pure or impure, whether he is sitting or walking, in whatever condition a wise man may be, he should perform theGayatri Japa. A man gets rid of all sins by this Japa. Nothing is greater.
“To know others is Wisdom, To know oneself is Enlightenment”
We all want to increase our intelligence, concentration, memory, and capacity for information. This is the key to strength and success in this information age. The Gayatri Mantra encourages creative thinking, not as mere human invention, but as our portion of cosmic intelligence. The best way to do this is to harness the power of the “inner Sun,” which is to connect with cosmic intelligence through mantra and meditation. Each one of us possesses a portion of the “Light of Consciousness,” a ray of universal consciousness, that endow us with understanding. This faculty is called dhi in Vedic thought and refers to the meditative aspect of the mind (dhyana manas) and buddhi referring to awakwened intelligence.
The best mantra for awakening the higher mind is the Gayatri Mantra, which is a mantra to the “Solar light of Consciousness” (Savitr), to awaken our meditative mind (dhi). It brings us the Divine Solar power of Consciousness, Love and Prana—the supreme light of truth. The Gayatri Mantra exhorts us to attune ourselves to the cosmic mind and its laws of Dharma. This chant is as valuable and appropriate in the modern world as it was in ancient times. We can use it whenever we wish to gain new insight and inspiration or to increase memory and concentration, even for mundane tasks.