
Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation
Origin & Meaning Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta Meditation). Metta is a Pali word that means kindness, benevolence, and good will. This practice comes from the Buddhist traditions, especially the Theravada and Tibetan lineages. “Compassion meditation” is a contemporary scientific field that demonstrates the efficacy of mettaand related meditative practices. Demonstrated benefits include: boosting one’s ability to empathize with others; development of…

Medicine Buddha Reiki

Medicine Buddha Reiki
What Is Reiki? Reiki, a Japanese word (pronounced “RAY-key”) means universal life-force, or Divine energy, and indicates a system of healing that many feel had its origins in Tibet. This practice is said to have been handed down from the ancient teachings of the Vedas, a compilation of scriptures that were given to the great…

Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Mantra
Gayatri Mantra History The ancient Vedas worship the Sun (Surya) as the source of light for the entire world. But for the Vedic people, light is not a material force but a “power of life, love, and intelligence.” They regard the Sun (Surya) as the principle of light and consciousness on a universal level (Savita),…

Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters
Ascended Masters, Archangels & Planetary ingelligences Anyone can call upon the Ascended Masters and Archangels. The following attunements will further strengthen your power to call and work with these beings of light. Your strength to infuse items (such as jewellery, oils, stones, water etc.) with the energy of these beings will furthermore increase. If you…


Aura Aura Setiap makhluk hidup memiliki medan energi di sekitar dirinya. Secara sederhana saja hal ini dibuktikan, misalnya, saat bertemu dengan seseorang yang belum dikenal sekali pun, sudah dapat dirasakan rasa senang atau tidak senang. Ini menggambarkan adanya interaksi aura atau medan energi antara orang dengan orang lain. Sejarah Aura Penyelidikan mengenai aura manusia telah…


Dewa  Dewa (bahasa Inggris: Deity) adalah makhluk supernatural yang menguasai unsur-unsur alam atau aspek-aspek tertentu dalam kehidupan manusia., disembah, dianggap suci dan keramat, dan dihormati oleh manusia. Dewa dianggap berwujud bermacam-macam, biasanya berwujud manusia atau binatang. Mereka hidup abadi. Mereka memiliki kepribadian masing-masing. Mereka memiliki emosi, kecerdasan, seperti layaknya manusia. Beberapa fenomena alam seperti petir,…

Aliran Ilmu Gaib yang bekembang di Indonesia

Aliran Ilmu Gaib yang bekembang di Indonesia
Ilmu Gaib Sebelum membahas Ilmu Gaib Aliran Islam Kejawen, kita akan memperjelas dulu pengertian Ilmu Gaib yang kita pakai sebagai istilah di sini. Ilmu Gaib adalah kemampuan melakukan sesuatu yang tidak wajar melebihi kemampuan manusia biasa, sering juga disebut sebagai Ilmu Metafisika, Ilmu Supranatural atau Ilmu Kebatinan karena menyangkut hal-hal yang tidak nampak oleh mata.…

12 Step Prayers

12 Step Prayers
12-Step Prayers Spirit Of Chi First Step Prayer Dear Lord, I admit that I am powerless over my addiction. I admit that my life is unmanageable when I try to control it. Help me this day to understand the true meaning of powerlessness. Remove from me all denial of my addiction. Alternate Prayer Today, I ask…

Apakah itu Khodam

Apakah itu Khodam
KHODAM Pembantu Dari Demensi Gaib Istilah “khodam” berasal dair bahasa arab yang berarti pembantu, penjaga atau pengawal yang selalu mengikuti. Dalam bahasa arab pembantu rumah tangga, sopir, tukang kebun dan satpam juga bisa disebut sebagai khodam. Namun dalam konteks ilmu spiritual, istilah “khodam” digunakan khusus untuk menyebut makhluk gaib yang mengikuti pemilik ilmu spiritual atau…

Bio Galaxy

Bio Galaxy
BIO GALAXY Bio Energy is energy of life which there are in all being, universe and object. Energy Bio also give form and breath live for all. Bio Galaxy is energi which there are universe, formed solar system formation millions of past year and earth one of part the solar system. Bio Galaxy represent life…

Reiki Metaram

Reiki Metaram
AT A GLANCE ABOUT REIKI Reiki words came from Japan; Rei means the Universe or the God and Ki means Vital Energy. So as Reiki words could be translated into Vital Energy of the Universe, energy that is useful for continuation of the life, maintain the life, and the health of the physical body and…

Mantra “OM”

Mantra “OM”
MAKNA MANTRA “OM” pada awal permulaan, Sang Brahma (Kenyataan Abadi) adalah satu dan tidak ada duanya. Sang Brahma berkata bahwa “Saya hanya satu — tetapi saya bisa menjadi banyak..” Inilah sebabnya dari asal mula hanyalah vibrasi kemudan menjadi suara, dan suara itu adalah OM. Suara OM adalah yang awal dan pertama dialam semesta ketika alam…

Kalpataru Ki

Kalpataru Ki
Kalpataru comes from the Sanskerta language. This term is the combination between words “kalpa” and “taru”. Kalpa means “wishing” or “Hoping” and “taru” means “tree”. So, kalpataru could be interpreted as “Wishing tree”. The complete component of kalpataru is consisted of six elements, those are: the tree, the animals that accompany the tree in between,…

Golden Vajra Reiki

Golden Vajra Reiki
Golden Vajra ReikiTM is one form of new development of Reiki that accesses universal energy of Vajra Sky who have experienced an increase in the level into gold. Golden Vajra ReikiTM an esoteric energy from Tibetan tradition. A new refinement of Reiki energy which is very strong for the healing of various diseases both physical…

Gtumo (Sacred Fire)

Gtumo (Sacred Fire)
HISTORY OF gTUMO gTumo means “sacred fire (Tejas) consists of isoteric, exoteric and mystic originated from Llamas in Tibet. Ever since and up to the late twentieth century, gTumo is highly classified lesson and strictly kept from beyond circumference of Llamas in Tibet. gTumo come from Tibetan meaning Miraculous Energi Fire. Before come to Tibet,…