The Energy Felt Amazing

The Energy Felt Amazing

Ajian Ijunajati : Thank You, very much.  The energy felt amazing and has helped with my hip alignment and the shoulder I had surgery on ten years ago. I am definitely going to order more courses in the future. The help you gave was the best in costumer service I have received to date and was a very welcome.

Thank You Again. John Dodd (USA)

Spirit Of Chi : Pusat Kursus Reiki dan Metafisika Internasional
Ajian Ijunajati : Thank You, very much.  The energy felt amazing and has helped with my hip alignment and the shoulder I had surgery on ten years ago. I am definitely going to order more courses in the future. The help you gave was the best in costumer service I have received to date and was a very welcome. Thank You Again. John Dodd (USA)