Product Description
Kuan Yin Attunements 7 Level
Kuan Yin Attunements 7 Level, Who is Kuan Yin (Quan Shi Yin, Kwan Yin etc.)
There are mainly two aspects of Kuan Yin that we work with:
- Kuan Yin – the ascended master, or
- Kuan Yin – the Bodhisattva
Here – with this material – we are working with the ascended master Kuan Yin, but first I have to tell you briefly about the Bodhisattva Kuan Yin.
In Mahayana Buddhism – Great Path or Vehicle – we meet a lot of Bodhisattvas. They are enlightened being, who seeks Buddhahood through systematic practise of the perfect virtues and are helping all sentient beings towards their enlightenment. Kuan Yin is the most popular Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism – so popular, that she has also found her way in to Hinayana Buddhism (Theravada). The path is quite long:
The origin of Kuan Yin comes really from India, where she is still male and called Avalokiteshvara, which means something like “The Lord that is looking down with compassion and hears the outcries of the World”. So this is the Bodhisattva for the great compassion.
Compassion is called “karuna” in Sanskrit and “nasake” in Japanese. It has therefore given names to the Raku Kei based healing systems “Karuna Reiki” founded by William Rand, “Karuna Ki” founded by Vincent Amador and “Kembo Nasake Ryoho” founded by me. The last is a combination of “Raku Kei” founded by Dr. Arthur Robertson, “Tera-Mai” founded by Kathleen Milner, Karuna Reiki and Karuna Ki with the Karuna Ki Do meditations included.
Healing with this energy
Ole Gabrielsen channelled this energy especially for me in 1996. It was not any part of his healing energies, like for instance St. Germaine. But the energy gives you a deep connection to the loving and compassionate heart of Kuan Yin as well in her abilities of magnified healing.
Sending this to you with love and compassion Jens
You Receive:
- 1 time attunement
- manual book
- no certificate