Product Description
Chakra Tantra Reiki
Chakra Tantra Reiki is a form of spiritual healing balances the female and male energies within the chakras and awakens the Kundalini energy.
Helps us in discovering our animus/anima aspects as the psychologist Jung would define it, and to integrate these two energies and aspects of our personality. In Hindu philosophy these two polar forces are represented and reigned over by the deities Shiva and Shakti and are represented as the melting of yoni and lignam which metaphorically stand for procreativity through the joining of the heavenly male energies and the earthly female energies.
Balanced Mind, Body and Soul
Chakra Tantra Reiki is a balanced healing mind, body and soul by releasing energy patterns from all 3 levels use of massage, guided visualisation meditation and energy work.
Energy healing combine with visualisation exercises and aroma oil massage and thereby is very effective in the removing of energy blockages and releasing of deeply held believe and behaviour patterns associated with our existence as woman or man on this earthly plane. Another important change resulting from Tantra Chakra Reiki is that the positive aspects of each facet of our personality will accentuate, which will bring about a perfect balance between the best aspects of male and female energies so that for instance your ability to express yourself emotionally will be balanced with your ability to be rationalYou receive:
- 1 time attunement
- manual book
- no certificate