
The Systems and Methods of Reiki Healing or Metphysics (all workshops and sessions), along with Meditation and All Alternative Healing Methods can not substitute Conventional Psychological and Medical Treatment and Diagnosis.

For any issue concerning health please visit your doctor.

Reiki and Metaphysics Practitioners and Reiki or Metaphysic Teachers do not diagnose conditions and never guarantee any healing in any case. They do not subscribe drugs and do not interfere with medical/psychological or pharmaceutical issues. They can only support holistic relaxation and inner peace, which in their turn lead to deep inner harmony, clarity and strength. And these are the essential preconditions for supporting any issue or problem.

The Touch and Energy of Reiki or Metaphysics is simple, pleasant, natural and totally safe for anyone and can be given along with any conventional or alternative treatment. Secondly, Reiki is not related to religion. It is a relaxation technique of touch-healing which respects all philosophical and religious paths and can be combined with all beliefs. People from all paths, religions and of all beliefs successfully learn and give reiki to themselves and to those around them.

Data Protection. Any personal details given, such as names, telephone numbers, postal or email addresses are for the sole use of Spirit Of Chi, and will not be given, sold or otherwise used by any other parties.

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love and bless

Sastra Vardhana