Product Description
Prime Reiki
Prime Reiki is also known as Pusaka Ki. It was founded and developed by M. Anton Sulistyo and Pusoko KS in a series of energy meditation exercises during December 1999 – June 2002 period. The energy is a combination of a number of different energies:
Traditional reiki energy from Mikao Usui lineage
A special type of energy exercised and practiced by a lot of martial arts practicioners in Indonesia , generically known as inner power . The exercise involves a lot of breath exercises to maximise and access the energy stored in the hara (tantien) area. This energy is somewhat ‘cruder’ than the reiki and might feel similar to Qigong or pranic energy. In Indonesia , its main use is for physical and psychic defense purposes. Please be cautious when putting this energy into action.
A cleansing vortex-like energy, possibly linked with the ancient Maya civilisation in South America . This energy was channeled and added to Prime Reiki by a Javanese spiritualist who prefers to remain anonymous
Prime Reiki follows the traditional Usui Reiki lineage. It is though recommended for those interested in Prime Reiki to have had some experiences with Usui Reiki. The other two energies are developed by Indonesian Masters and in application are a bit different from the traditional reiki energy. You can use Prime Reiki with or without symbols. However, a large of number of energy healers are drawn to using symbols. Here is a detailed explanation of each Prime Reiki symbol.
One aspect of the Prime Reiki energy is what is broadly known as ‘Inner Power’ and it is quite unique among the different reiki variants. In Indonesia , a large number of traditional and modern martial arts schools either specialise in exercising and practising this particular energy or add it as one of the tools used in self defense. The most common exercise method is breath exercises combined with meditation and/or performing various body movements to activate chakras and hara (tantien). Tantien is located three or four fingers below your navel, one third inside your body from the front.
If a practicioner has reached a certain level, he/she can apply the energy as extra protection during a physical combat It will also protect her/him from psychic attack (black magic, etc). Its use for self-healing is not yet proven but certainly it can be used for healing other people, both in physical or non-physical illnesses. In a physical fight, the energy will respond to negative vibration or attacking intent generated by the other side. Without this negative intent, the energy will not work. Some practicioners feel this energy is more easily activated to give protection from non-physical (i.e psychic) attacks. In vibration / frequency, you might feel it less refined than the reiki energy. Some experts feel it is on the same frequency as pranic energy.
In a Prime reiki attunement, the source of the energy inside our body, in the hara / tantien area, is activated, and the energy instantly accessible. Your kundalini will also be activated and part of its energy will be used. And through regular medibreath (that is, meditation plus breath) exercises its power will be increased. No symbol is to be used in accessing this aspect of Prime Reiki energy. The energy is to be applied wisely and cautiously as its misuse could cause fatality or a very severe injury.
In Prime Reiki, the inner power techniques were adapted from the exercises taught in an Indonesian martial arts school named Persebeteda Seni Nafas Indonesia (roughly translated as ‘Indonesian Art of Breathing Inner Power Martial Arts School’). This writer studied inner power from several other schools, but the techniques are largely similar. In fact, a large percentage of Indonesian reiki practicioners have had some inner power basics, many of them learned it during the inner power ‘boom’ in the late 80’s – early 90’s.
Levels: 3
Prerequisite: Everyone
System: Distant Methode