Ascended Masters, Archangels & Planetary ingelligences
Anyone can call upon the Ascended Masters and Archangels. The following attunements will further strengthen your power to call and work with these beings of light. Your strength to infuse items (such as jewellery, oils, stones, water etc.) with the energy of these beings will furthermore increase. If you want a study guide about the Masters and Archangels, I can recommend Doreen Virtue’s book “Archangels & Ascended Masters”.
Archangel Michael: Means “he who is like God”. Protection, space clearing, spirit releasement.
Buddha: Inner peace, joy, spiritual growth and understanding.
Sanat Kumara: Ridding of negative entities and lower energies, healing work, space clearing.
Jesus: Divine guidance and direction, forgiveness, healing, manifestation.
Abundentia: Attracting abundance, guidance about finacial investments.
Archangel Raphael: Means “God heals” or “God” has healed”. Healing humans and animals, guidance and support for healers.
Maitreya: Joy, laughter, sense of humor, peace, compassion.
Mary: All issues related to children, fertility.
Kuan Yin: Compassion, giving and receiving love, mercy, kindness, gentleness an sweetness towards self and others.
Merlin: Alchemy, crystals, divine magick, psychic abilities, divination.
Saint Germain: Protection, courage, direction, healing, inspiration.
Kuthumi: Focus, dedication to life purpose, relaxation, calming, “anti-stress”.
Archangel Gabriel: Means “God is my strength”. Art, communication, for all artists, writing, child conception and fertility.
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Moses: Living in the NOW, clear communication with God, courage, faith, leadership.
Saint Padre Pio: Healing, forgiveness, spiritual growth, eyesight.
Serapis Bey: Personal and global peace, ascension, overcoming addictions and cravings, artists and creative endeavours, clear communication with god.
Archangel Jophiel: Means “Beauty of god”. Known as “The patron of artists”. Artistic projects and artists, beautiful thoughts, creativity.
Archangel Zadkiel: Means “The righteousness of God”. Benevolence, mercy, compassion, physical and emotional healing, memory enhancement, studies, tests, help to forgive yourself or someone else.
Jupiter: Abundance, business success, finances, growth, travel, learning.
Venus: Love, beauty, art, relationships, romance, harmony.
Uranus: Liberation, change, originality, freedom.
Mercury: Communication, divination, intelligence, mental activity.
Sun: Authority, prosperity, power, health, vitality, energy, healing, happiness.
Moon: Clarity, fertility, nurturing, memories, looking inward.
Mars: Action, leadership, courage, physical energy.
Saturn: Structure, discipline, perseverance, responsibility.
Neptune: Clairvoyance, intuition, spirituality, subconscious, idealism.
Pluto: Regeneration, destruction of old patterns, transformation, rebirth.